Our Compliance Message

Conflict Of Interest

Conflict of interest is a situation where the interest of a person or the interest of a business partner take precedence over the interest of the company, thereby affecting the objective and performance of that person's duties and obligations. PT Eisai Indonesia also has a written regulation that regulates about this matter, namely the SOP Conflict of Interest

There are three types of Conflict of Interest, Such as:


Real and has occured between official duties/responsibilities and personal interest, example: A works in the procurement of office inventory at a big company. A’s brother owns a company engaged in the office inventory sales. A decided to buy office supplies from his/her brother. It is known that the price of A’s brother company becomes much more expensive than other competitors. A continues to give orders to his/her brother because he/she is always given a ‘gratuity’ as a compensation.

Real and has occured between official duties/responsibilities and personal interest, example: A works in the procurement of office inventory at a big company. A’s brother owns a company engaged in the office inventory sales. A decided to buy office supplies from his/her brother. It is known that the price of A’s brother company becomes much more expensive than other competitors. A continues to give orders to his/her brother because he/she is always given a ‘gratuity’ as a compensation.


It does not necesiraly exist, but the public and society have perceived it that way, example: A and B are good friends, so they often have lunch together in the office one of them alternately. A works in pharmacetuical company in the human resources department, while B works in a packaging material manufacturer. One day, A's company has a very large project and is looking for a good packaging material manufacturer. Incindetally, B's company also submitted a tender for the project. But people who know their friendship suspect that A won the tender form B's company, while these two people do not have any contribution in the selection decisions or tender submissions


When someine is in or could be in a situation that may result in conflict of interest, example: A purchasing department has a close relative relationship with the vendor/supplier who follows the vendor/supplier selection process